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Special Event Station GB5BK at former RAF Binbrook, 5-7 April

RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club ran a Special Event Station for Airfields on the Air over the weekend of 5-7 April at former RAF Binbrook, using the callsign GB5BK.

Operation was on HF SSB, CW and FT8 and 2m, with more than 300 contacts made, despite the windy conditions on site. As always, the team owes special thanks to Chris, 2E0BMA, Bob, G3VCA and John for ensuring that everything we needed was transported to site, and to John especially for ensuring we were all well fed during the weekend! GB5BK station setup

Thanks also go to the landowner of the site we use for this SES, Ray, who made us welcome as usual.

Further details are available on the GB5BK page on QRZ.com, and we would like to thank all those stations who took the trouble to contact us.
